Updates 2

This is the example post that I post on my Tumblr so if you're interested just click the link I gave you from the previous post. Enjoy <3


Hey folks just wanna say that it's been a very busy week though there's no such a final exam! So... once again if you still want to keep in touch with me just simply e-mail me!
And... since I'm more into Tumblr for now on just follow mine -> barefootxdream.tumblr.com :)
I post so much quotes lately and beautiful stunning hollywood photos.

Kisses-hugs, me miss you folks!


Hi, my name's Izzie Salvatore and I really love vampire.
The end.

kisses, xoxorawr


Besok. Hm. Ada apa ya sama besok? Aduh duh duh duh aku lupa ingatan. Ya besok. Ada apa ya?


Hello Hi Hai folks, what's up? :) Hmm rasanya udh jarang banget ya aku nge-post di sini. Soalnya akhir-akhir ini sibuk banget, jadi nyempetin aja nih post di sini sekarang.

So...ada new member nih di keluargaku. Namanya DOMO (boneka) dia itu kartun favorite dari Jepang. Agak "menyeramkan" sih, tapi dia lucu kok. Dan yg bikin gemes adalah dia selalu membuka mulutnya lebar-lebar, he loves to make a "RAWR" sound!

Look he's trying to make a fool! 

My DOMO with beard. Such a cool dude. 

DOMO with Dini classic glasses and MY STARBUCKS COFFE MUG! 

Last picture! I drew a DOMO on my hand! (gambarnya kabur heehe)

So yeah, DOMO RAWR. 

Kisses, xoxorawr and domo.

P.S. ; Those pictures above are all taken and edited by me, which is absolutely credit to me.